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Monday, June 1, 2009

Water Therapy

Water is everywhere on Earth and is the only known substance that can naturally exist as a gas, liquid, and solid within the relatively small range of air temperatures and pressures found at the Earth's surface. In all, the Earth's water content is about 1.39 billion cubic kilometers (331 million cubic miles) and the vast bulk of it, about 96.5%, is in the global oceans. Approximately 1.7% is stored in the polar icecaps, glaciers, and permanent snow, and another 1.7% is stored in groundwater, lakes, rivers, streams, and soil. Finally, a thousandth of 1% exists as water vapor in the Earth's atmosphere.

As seen from space, one of the most unique features of our home planet is the water, in both liquid and frozen forms, that covers approximately 75% of the Earth's surface. Believed to have initially arrived on the surface through the emissions of ancient volcanoes, geologic evidence suggests that large amounts of water have likely flowed on Earth for the past 3.8 billion years, most of its existence. As a vital substance that sets the Earth apart from the rest of the planets in our solar system, water is a necessary ingredient for the development and nourishment of life.

Water is a basic component of all living organisms. The quantity of water present in a human adult is equal to about 60% of total body weight with relative variations according to age and sex. At birth the ratio rises to an approximate 75%. The absence of water is more life threatening within a shorter period of time than solid food fasting. A loss of 10% of the total water content in an organism results in the inability to perform organized physical activity.

Whether it is a free molecule or bound to others, water has various biological functions:
It takes an active part in digestion by facilitating transportation and solubility of chemicals through the gastrointestinal tract until the soluble nutrients passing through the intestinal wall can be absorbed by blood and lymph vessels and diffuse into body cells.

It is the medium through which metabolic reactions take place. Blood, for example, contains about 92% water and carries catabolic residues from the cells to the organs of the excretory system: kidneys, lungs, skin .

Water allows for the passage of substances from the cells to the intercellular spaces, to blood vessels and vice versa.
It helps regulate body temperature through perspiration and the elimination of water vapour through the lungs.
The presence of water in the body can be divided in two large categories of function: intercellular which comprises about 50% of total body weight and extracellular which corresponds to 20% of total body weight of which 5% is water from blood and 15% is interstitial water.

Exogenus and endogenous water: the need for water

The greatest portion of water in the human organism derives from exogenous sources. It is therefore introduced into the body through the intake of food and drinks. The remaining portion has an endogenous origin and is formed as a final catabolic product in the oxide-reduced processes.

Water is the most abundant element of our body. 72% of our body is made of water. Water in our body serves much purpose in the body. Apart from circulating nutrients throughout the body in the form of blood it also distributes the heat in the body. The major function of water is to remove waste materials from the body. The waste materials include break down chemicals of the various metabolic reaction of the body and also that are introduced through the food we eat. Taking water as an important supplement of the body cures all diseases.

Hope you are aware of the fact that one can survive without food for some days; but no one can survive without water for a single day.

A number of patients have been suffering from a variety of symptoms, all of which can be traced to a lack of water intake. Most were drinking plenty of fluids: coffee, soda, tea and juice. But none were drinking enough water.

What kinds of symptoms result from drinking too little water? Most commonly I see constipation, dry and itchy skin, acne, nose bleeds, repeated urinary tract infections, dry and unproductive coughs, constant sneezing, sinus pressure and headaches.

You might ask how a lack of water intake can cause this wide array of symptoms. Water is required by every cell in the body as nourishment and to remove wastes. When water becomes scarce, the body tries to limit the amount it loses through breathing, mucous production, urination, perspiration and bowel movements.

Several cups of water are lost daily through breathing because the lungs require humid air to do their work. In the winter when drier air prevails outside and heating systems (especially forced hot air and wood stoves) dry out the air inside, even more water is lost. It is estimated that on an average day in the fall, 3-4 cups of water are lost through breathing. On a cold, dry winter day as much as 2-3 more cups of water may be lost in this way. The body has to moisturize the air before it reaches the lungs and does so through the mucous membranes lining the nasal passages and the bronchi. As available fluid decreases, the mucous lining becomes drier. This in turn irritates the lungs, causing them to become more reactive to dust, mold particles, cigarette smoke and other irritants, and less resistant to viruses and bacteria. The result: dry cough and bronchitis.

The mucous membranes of our lungs and gut are an important component of our resistance to disease. They provide an effective barrier to bacteria, viruses and pollutants when intact. But a number of substances (such as aspirin) are known to harm this barrier. What is less well known is that a lack of water in the body makes the all important mucous less viscous and can cause constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and a slowed movement of the bowels contents. These problems in turn increase ones risk of other long term disease including hemorrhoids and colon cancer. The mucous lining in the sinus passages is similarly vital as a defense against disease. When it becomes drier, sinusitis, nose bleeds and allergic symptoms worsen.

Obviously, we all lose some water through urination and urination is required for the removal of various toxins from the body. When fluid volume is diminished, the ability of the body to remove toxins through urination is also diminished. It is a comon misunderstanding that the more water we drink, the harder it is on the kidneys. In fact, except for people with some uncommon kidney problems, the opposite is true. Water soluble toxins cannot be easily removed through the bowels, especially when a lack of water also causes constipation. These toxins then must be eliminated in other ways such as through the skin. The increase in body toxin levels can cause headaches and fatigue. The attempt by the body to remove excess levels of unwanted chemicals through the skin can cause acne and will aggravate eczema.

The easy solution to all these problems is to drink more water. Coffee, tea and soda all contain caffeine which is a known diuretic and will actually accentuate the symptoms of fluid loss. Fruit juices are more concentrated in sugar than your body's fluids and so the body will attempt to dilute them in the gut thereby causing a loss of water from other areas of the body. In the dry, hot air of winter and very hot days of summer, drink at least 10 glasses of water daily for optimal health. During the spring and fall, 8 glasses will suffice for most people, although those with inhalant allergies do best to drink as much water as possible. Pregnant women need to drink at least 50% more water daily than they would while not pregnant. People who exercise vigorously should add one glass of water for each 30 minutes of exercise. Herbal teas and diluted fruit juices (1/3 fruit juice to 2/3 water) can be substituted for some of the water. Drink one extra glass of water for each cup of coffee or black tea you have. Humidifying the air in the winter will help reduce water loss, but be careful to clean humidifiers daily to discourage bacteria or mold build up.

What type of water is best?

Activated carbon or charcoal filtered water is probably the least expensive way to drink 'safe' water. The carbon filter removes most of the carcinogens and bacteria commonly found in drinking water. These filters are often very inexpensive and can be found in almost any department store. Distilled water has had all the metals (both harmful and helpful) removed. None of the flourinated and chlorinated hydrocarbons (coming from combining fertilizers and pesticides with flouride and chlorine) are removed. It is these hydrocarbons which are linked with the most health problems. Bottled spring waters may be healthy, but they are not yet required to be analyzed for chemical and bacterial levels.

Water can be a miracle cure for many common ailments. Try drinking some now and see if you don't feel better!

How to do water therapy?

Usha Kaala Chikitsa" is the Sanskrit reference for water therapy. According to this ancient system, 1.5 liters of water should be drunk without even brushing the tooth. You may wash your face thereafter. It is very essential to note that no drinks (like tea, coffee, and milk) or any form of solid food should be taken within half an hour to one hour before and after drinking 1.5 liters of water. Using any form of alcoholic drink in the previous night is strictly prohibited.

What are the alternative ways to do this water therapy?

If you are not comfortable to drink water before burshing the tooth, then drink water after brushing the tooth.But remember you can have the 100% effect only when you do before brushing the tooth.

1. Take one and a half litre of water in a copper or silver vessel and start drinking. Keep drinking as much as you can. If you cannot empty it all at once give a 5 minutes gap and drink rest of the water. Again if some water left give a gap of another 5 minutes and empty the vessel. Keep doing this everyday you notice that in a few day you can empty the vessel all at once. This is the best trick to do the water therapy.

2. Taste of water satiates the tongue. Therefore pouring water directly to the throat avoiding contact with the tongue, one can drink one and a half liters of water with ease.This is another way.

3. Measure 1.5 liters in cups and drink cup after cup. This is another way however some feel satiating sense soon.

What is the necesasity of taking water therapy?

Is it not enough if one consumes water at regular intervals throughout the day?

us suppose that you wash your face and hands regularly but do not take a bath continously for a month. Think what will happen to your body? The same is the case here also. Bathing is the process of cleaning the body externally. Water therapy is the process of cleaning the body internally. Water therapy cleans all your inner organs and flushes out the poisonous particles of the cooked food in your lever. If you can not take this therapy everyday, try to have it atleast twice or thrice in a week. You can feel its pleasure only by its practice. It can not be described in words.Water therapy is not for thirst but for flushing all the toxins out of body and regain good health.

Initially if you will feel slight uncomfortness in gulping 1.5 liters, measure the amount in cups (Seven glasses makes 1.5 liters). Start with one glass for the first day. Next increase to two glasses and then to three and so on till you can drink nine glasses. You may also drink four glasses first and the balance three glasses after a gap of two minutes. However the vessel method is the best.

Side effects of water therapy

Most of them initially urinate 2 to 3 times within an hour after doing this water therapy. However it is observed that as days go by the system gets used to retain water and use it throughout the day. So bear with the inconvenience you first observe.

Some people notice more fatigue and tiredness in the beginning after doing this water therapy. Its just because the body is cleaning up. After a few days these symptoms vanish and one will feel more energetic.

Will water therapy cause kidney failure?

This question is raised by many. In-fact we are only helping the kidney not to strain itself from water shortage. We relieve the water stress of the body through water therapy.

An individual is considered balanced in terms of water content when his/her water intake together with the amount that is formed within the body is equivalent to the quantity of eliminated water (urine, lung and skin's excretory functions ).

The need for water isn't the same for all. It instead varies with age and, in fact, an infant must consume proportionally more water than an adult due to a relatively higher rate of metabolism and perspiration rate / body surface area.

Regarding adults, a recommended water consumption is one which is directly proportional to the sum of calories comprised in a daily diet, i.e. a ratio equivalent to about 1ml of water per calorie. For a child, the suggested intake is 1,5ml water/calorie.

What water to be used?

Since water obtained in many places is polluted, it would best be to use filtered water (free from chemical pollutants). We would say reverse osmosis water. Spring water can also be used if you are confident that it collected from a spring and is not contaminated with any toxic substances. Water can be boiled and sterilized too.

Can cold water be used?

NO. Water while drinking should not be cold nor warm, but at room temperature.

Can I use flavored water?

The basic purpose is to clean the body hence pure water with no other additives is the best.Hence avoid flavored water.

Can I use any special water for normal drinking after the therapy?

Ofcourse You can.Try to make sidha water by doing the following; Take

.ginger (half the size of peanut)
2.A bunch of cumin seeds

3.some corriander seeds or a bunch of coriander leaves.

4.A pinch of turmeric powder

5.A tiny pinch of pepper. 6.A bunch of Nannari root or vetti root. 7. One seed of cardamom (not one pod)

Mix the above with water and boil it.

Use it for your normal drinking and make it as a pleasure. These flavorings have medicinal values apart from imparting taste to water. Ginger and cumin rectify indigestion problems. Ginger cures nausea and vomiting. Most of these flavor have many potent phytochemicals and so protect the body from many diseases. These natural chemicals have been proved anti- cancerous and anti-oxidants by many scientific studies. However these additions should be to the very minimum amounts. We would like you to consult us in this regard for more details or for specific problems.

Water improves digestive power and induces pancreatic enzymes, which will be absorbed by the body for its physiological effects, which are still unknown. Some of the effects of the pancreatic juice are that it helps the body to selectively remove cancer cells. There are many proofs that injection of pancreatic juices shrinks cancers. Water therapy is an effective way to boost and use one's one pancreatic juice supply. There fore this is number one CANCER PREVENTIVE LIFE STYLE.

Drinking water improves absorbing power of intestines and therefore helps in absorbing all the nutrients needed for the body.
It helps the kidneys to excrete toxic chemicals and metabolic waste more efficiently. Water therapy is the only way through which we supply the kidneys enough water to dispose the metabolic wastes of the body. There are many cases in which arthritic pain, kidney stones (unbreakable even by lasers) have been cured instantaneously.

Why is water therapy suggested in empty stomach?

After a nights sleep, so many hormones are secreted and broken down. They should be removed in the morning from the body to avoid undesirable effects. Hence water therapy in the morning is very beneficial. Also in the empty stomach, maximum water is absorbed and part of the water used for flushing the colon and rectum if any junk found. When water enters the body in the morning, it helps kidneys to flush out the toxic metabolite form the body. Therefore water cleans the whole digestive system and the interior body.

Water therapy is more or less taking an internal bath. While you give importance to the external bath do not forget that there is a system of water therapy for internal bathing.

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