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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and tortuous. The term commonly refers to the veins on the leg,[1] although varicose veins can occur elsewhere. Veins have leaflet valves to prevent blood from flowing backwards (retrograde). Leg muscles pump the veins to return blood to the heart, against the effects of gravity. When veins become varicose, the leaflets of the valves no longer meet properly, and the valves don't work. This allows blood to flow backwards and they enlarge even more. Varicose veins are most common in the superficial veins of the legs, which are subject to high pressure when standing. Besides cosmetic problems, varicose veins are often painful, especially when standing or walking. They often itch, and scratching them can cause ulcers. Serious complications are rare. Non-surgical treatments include sclerotherapy, elastic stockings, elevating the legs, and exercise. The traditional surgical treatment has been vein stripping to remove the affected veins. Newer, less invasive treatments, such as radiofrequency ablation and endovenous laser treatment, are slowly replacing traditional surgical treatments. Because most of the blood in the legs is returned by the deep veins, the superficial veins, which return only about 10 per cent of the total blood of the legs, can usually be removed or ablated without serious harm.[2][3] Varicose veins are distinguished from reticular veins (blue veins) and telangiectasias (spider veins), which also involve valvular insufficiency, by the size and location of the veins. Many patients who suffer with varicose veins seek out the assistance of physicians who specialize in vein care. These physicians are called phlebologists

Conservative treatment
  • Elevating the legs often provides temporary symptomatic relief.
  • "Advice about regular exercise sounds sensible but is not supported by any evidence."[8]
  • The wearing of graduated compression stockings with a pressure of 30–40 mmHg has been shown to correct the swelling, nutritional exchange, and improve the microcirculation in legs affected by varicose veins.[9] They also often provide relief from the discomfort associated with this disease. Caution should be exercised in their use in patients with concurrent arterial disease.
  • anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen or aspirin can be used as part of treatment for superficial thrombophlebitis along with graduated compression hosiery – but there is a risk of intestinal bleeding. In extensive superficial thrombophlebitis, consideration should be given to anti-coagulation, thrombectomy or sclerotherapy of the involved vein.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lack Of Sleep Can Cause Obesity

How many hours of sleep do you get each night? Do you sleep for as long as 11 hours or more? Health experts always advise us to get a good night's sleep, so that the body can recharge and be ready for the next day's activities.

Here's another reasons for you to sleep long and well. Results of a new study now point out a link between obesity and sleep deprivation. The researchers studied more than 1,000 people - from birth till they reached age 32 - to determne their sleep habits and correlate these with their body mass index. Results of the study showed a tendency among participants who spent less hours sleeping at night to be obese, as compared to those who slept for at least 11 hours each night. According to Dr. Robert John Hancox, senior author of the study, they cannot as yet prove that a cause-and-effect relationship exists between these two variables, but the results seem to point a direct link between the two.

So, how about getting more sleep from now on ? This way, you may not need to diet anymore to maitain that slim figure.

Source: Sci-Tech Volume XXII Number 5 ISSN 0116-5704 Sy 2008-2009

Solar Charger

This solar charger is a product of Solio, a us company. It is equipped with three blades that fan out to maximize its potential for catchng energy from the sun. One hour of sunlight that it stores is equivalent to one hour of music on a iPod. If used on a cellular phone, this means 25 minutes worth of talktime.

Source: Sci-Tech Volume XXII Number 5 ISSN 0116-5704 Sy 2008-2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Build Your Muscle with Potassium

We remember sweet potatoes in the song that stars with “Eat camote, the musical fruit…” But did you know that sweet potatoes are a terrific source of potassium and antioxidants, which are good for building muscles? Potassium-rich foods such as sweet potatoes can also help counteract the effects of eating too many acid-producing foods like meats, some dairy products, and highly processed items, which speed the loss of muscle mass.

Other foods loaded with potassium and antioxidants include lettuces, peppers, kiwi, melon and oranges. Ideally, three servings of potassium-rich foods, together with five servings of fruits and vegetables, would go a long way in disarming the free radicals and repairing muscle tissues worn during exercise and workout.

Source: Sci-Tech Volume XXII Number 4 ISSN 0116-5704 Sy 2008-2009

METATHIONE (Met-Tathione) - Skin Whitening Glutathione Capsules

Serving Size = 2 capsules
1.L-Glutathione 500 mg
2. Alpha Lipoic Acid 100mg
3. Vitamin C 250mg
Daily value not established

BFAD APPROVED Registration Number - FR49758, Category- Food Supplement, Date Issued- November 23, 2004.

MET-TATHIONE - is used to help treat blood disorders, and detoxify the liver of heavy metals, toxins, and alcohol. It has a long history of being used by those exposed to radiation and chemotherapy during cancer therapies. IT helps to protect cells and tissues against oxidants. It is thought that MET-TATHIONE has anti-aging effects, and as we grow older, supplementing
MET-TATHIONE can help prevent the levels from dropping.

Dermatologists prescribe MET-TATHIONE for its only side effect: whitening of dark skin. People with darker skin tone report that taking MET-TATHIONE capsules along with vitamin C for three to six months or more actually lightens the color of their skin. This side effect varies from person to person and it assures to really whiten your skin in the shortest period of time for it has combined the main components for an active whitening result.

MET-TATHIONE - is a kind of GLUTATHIONE which is a small protein composed of 3 amino acids called cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine, produced normally by the body in response to today’s environment such as pollution in the air we breathe, water we drink, chemicals & pesticides in the food we eat that cause damages in our cells & system.

MET-TATHIONE - is often referred to as Master Anti-oxidant in the body. a “small molecule made up of linked amino acids and anti-oxidant naturally produced in the body. It has been widely heralded for its importance for good health and long life, “the greater the exposure to toxins, the faster the body uses up its supply of glutathione. Without the protection of Glutathione, cells die at a faster rate, making people age quicker & putting them at risk for toxin induced diseases including cancer.” It is the most powerful anti-oxidant occurring naturally in all of 70-100 trillion cells that make up the human body. That is why it is called the master antioxidant (MA) the effectiveness of all other anti-oxidants Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium. MET-TATHIONE should be taken together with Vitamin C to work properly


Glutathione is a master anti-oxidant, and a very effective whitening agent if taken in greater dosage

1. One of the more popular benefits of taking glutathione is that it cleanses the liver; and being an anti-oxidant, it rids the body of free radicals that contribute to aging and sicknesses.

2. The advisable dosage of glutathione as anti-oxidant is 10-20mg per kilogram of body weight. In order to use as a skin whitening agent, it has to be taken at a dosage of 20-40mg per kilogram of body weight. For instance, 50kg x 20mg = 1000mg. It has to be taken with an appropriate amount of vitamin c to be able to maximize its whitening effect, which as advised, is double the amount of your glutathione intake. As a precaution, please consult your doctor first before taking any kind of supplement.

3. On average, the first 3 months use of glutathione builds its foundation in your body and you will experience lightening gradually, speed normally depends on your metabolism and body chemical functioning. For some the results take longer. As you lighten you will notice that your skin is shinier and healthier than before.

4.It is advisable to take glutathione with meals and one taking it should try to avoid liquor or any alcoholic drink. It is also advisable to put on sunblock cream and lotion for the face and body.


You will notice that you’re starting to look fairer and skin is glowing.Makes your skin smooth and rosy as a long-term result
Heals dark spots cause by acne and prevents it from coming backLips will become pinkish because the melanin pigments your lip will also decrease
Underarms will lightenBikini line will lighten
Helps us to maintain clear vision and if you have blurred vision or cataract this will help your eyesight since the sclera of the eyes are also rich in Glutathione

Master Anti-OxidantAging

Dark SkinCataracts

Memory Loss ( Alzheimer's Disease )Osteoarthritis

Parkinson's DiseasePeptic Ulcer

Alcohol Drinkers

Low Sperm Count

Liver Problem i.e. HepatitisChemotheraphy Recovery

Atherosclerosis ( Heart Disease )Body Builders

Anti-Cancer Anti-Asthma/ Allergies

Boost Immune SystemRegulates Blood And Sugar Level

FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long before I really see the results?

The average period where a user can see visible change in his/her skin color as a result of METATHIONE takes about 2 to 3 months. Again, this is not applicable to every user, however, there are cases to which some users already see results in as early as 3 weeks taking 2-3 capsules daily. In other cases they show a slow development which results in 10-12 weeks before they have seen the results. Moreover, the best thing to do is not to miss a daily dosage.

2. Why is it that some people see results early and others took long before they can see it?

For the simple reason that people have different metabolism, weight is also a factor, the fact that some people see results early is because their body have absorbed the components well. Finally, dosage is an issue.

3. What is the recommended dosage in able to achieve a faster and visible result?

In order to achieve a faster result the right dosage for a certain person must be based on his/her body weight and skin tone. If your weight is above average (70 kilos above) and your skin tone is morena or light brown, its recommended to take 3-4 capsules daily. If you are black (African/Afro-American), take 4-6 capsules daily(again, depends on weight).Generally, we recommend users to take 1 capsule daily if they have a light complexion already, its potent enough to achieve a change of skin tone in as early as 4-8 weeks (again, results may vary from person to person). Once you have achieved the desired skin tone you may maintain it by taking 1 capsule daily.

4. Do you think it’s not bad to take a high dosage of MET-TATHIONE everyday?

Definitely. There is no such thing as over dosage in these whitening pills. Did you know that primarily Glutathione is given at a daily dose of more than 500mg to certain patients? MET-TATHIONE and its components are all supplements; they are in existence in our body. They are water-soluble which just means that if there’s anything in excess, it will be just excreted through urine or bile.

“Some people with darker skin tone report that taking MET-TATHIONE capsules along with vitamin C for three to six months or more actually lightens the color of their skin.”It is also recommended especially to people who smokes and are most of the time expose to polluted environment. Taking a separate Vitamin C such as ascorbic acid 500 mg also stimulates a better and faster result.

5. What makes MET-TATHIONE different compared to other whitening pill?

What makes it different and powerful is the synergy between its various components. They are not only powerful individually, but also work together in what is known as antioxidant cycling. Antioxidant cycling is the term that describes how antioxidants work together to extend each others’ lives and make each other more powerful. And that’s also the reason why it is so effective to really whiten the skin in it’s long term use.

6. Is it just ok to continue using some whitening creams or gels while using it?Yes. There is no problem if you still continue using your regular skin care regimen (creams, lotions) but once the whitening process has started you might not need to buy any creams to apply to your skin, MET-TATHIONE alone is ok and you will see it for yourself.

7. How does MET-TATHIONE process starts? Can it give me an equal skin tone all over?

The reason why are skin becomes white in using MET-TATHIONE is because it reverses the dark melanin pigments turning to a light pigments and reduces melanocytes which produces melanin. Less melanin, a whiter skin. Met-tathione’s whitening process starts inside the skin (dermal layer) going outside (epidermal layer), that’s the reason why it takes time to be able to see initial change in your skin tone. The whitening process is goes head to foot meaning that you will have a white even skin tone in your whole body.

8. How can I consider MET-TATHIONE?It is a drug, vitamin or supplements? Is it just ok to take it with all my other medications and vitamins? Is there anything to avoid when taking MET-TATHIONE?

MET-TATHIONE can be considered as food/dietary supplements. This is not a drug and so there are no known contradictions and precautions to be taken into consideration. However, MET-TATHIONE shouldn’t be taken by people taking anti-psychotic drug and chemotherapeutic drug. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, the presence of alcohol in the stomach is one reason for your body to not fully absorb the whitening pill.

9. Once I have achieved the skin tone I want, is it just ok to stop taking the pills or should I continue it?

It is advisable to still continue taking the pills even though you have achieved the skin tone you want. Take 1 capsule a day as maintenance. We all know that MET-TATHIONE is very good to our health and so taking it in long term will not only make us white but also it will promote better health.

10. Are the whitening effects of MET-TATHIONE permanent? Will my skin tone go back to its original color once I stop using it?

Its whitening effects are permanent only if you will maintain it (by avoiding exposure to sunlight). You won’t go back to your original skin color even if you stop taking these pills, however, there is a tendency for you to be tan or darken your skin if you expose yourself to sunlight and other harsh elements.

11. Is the exposure to the sun will affect the whitening process or it is bad when I am taking MET-TATHIONE?

Sunlight provides vitamin d but right now we all know that is not safe for our skin to be exposed from it for the fact that our ozone layer is much depleted and so will not protect us from UV rays. Exposure to sunlight will indirectly affect the whitening process since it increases the melanin pigments in the skin, thus, might delay the whitening process. It’s not really bad to be exposed to sunlight but at least have protection and be sure not be exposed at a long period of time.

12. What If I am taking MET-TATHIONE but most of the time I am exposed to the sun, what will I do?

Use sunblock or sunscreen lotion that has an SPF of 45-60. It will protect you from the harmful effects of the sun.

13. Is MET-TATHIONE safe in the liver?

Let’s hear what a renowned doctor says about it:“The level of glutathione in the liver is critically linked to the liver’s ability to detoxify. The higher the glutathione content, the greater the liver’s capacity to detoxify harmful chemicals. Typically, when we are exposed to chemicals to which can damage the liver including alcohol, the concentration of glutathione in the liver is substantially reduced. This reduction makes the liver susceptible to damage.” Nature’s Potent Liver Remedy by Dr. Murray"

14. Is there any untoward side-effect from the long-term use of MET-TATHIONE?

There are no side effects or interactions known with oral administration of MET-TATHIONE even in its prolonged use. The side-effect, we all know, is the SKIN WHITENING itself.

15. I am in a hurry to see the results and also I want to be slim while I am taking the pills, is it ok to take slimming pills or other products?

MET-TATHIONE is considered as a supplement and therefore safe to be taken with other medications, vitamins or supplements. However, we recommend people using whitening pills to just use slimming creams or whitening creams so as letting the whitening pill work solely in your body. If you are in a hurry and at the same want to be slim, I recommend you to use natural kind of weight reducing supplements such as green tea extract.

16. Is it safe to be taken even by young teens who want to be white?

Yes it is. MET-TATHIONE is considered as a supplement. It’s just as if you were taking your regular dose of vitamins everyday, therefore is it safe to be taken by young teens from age 14 years and to all ages who also want to be white. Henceforth, the right dosage should be taken into consideration.

17. Is there any side effect in taking MET-TATHIONE?

The side effect in taking Met-TATHIONE is the WHITENING of the skin already.

18. Is it better to take MET-TATHIONE with an empty stomach or should I eat my meal first before taking it?

It's much better to take Met-thione with an empty stomach. Your body will fully absorb it because it is only concentrated in just one substance unlike if have eaten already or had intake something, there might be a tendency for your body not to fully absorb it because there are already substances present in your stomach that might hinder the process of absorption.

19. Can men take METATHIONE with the same result?

Yes. Men's basic skin structure is the same as women's. While the studies carried out included only women, we have no reason to believe why men should not experience the same benefits.

20. Is it BFAD Approved?

Yes, MET-TATHIONE 500mg from Japan is BFAD APPROVED Number- FR49758 category- Food Supplement

Save Energy While Watching Movies

It’s a rainy weekend and the family decides to watch movies at home. To save on power, which viewer should the family used, the old laptop or the TV/DVD player?

Energy-conscious families will choose the laptop as the TV/DVD player will use at least twice as much power. Depending on the screen size, the old cathode ray tube TV uses between 70 to 200W and the DVD player will add another 10 or so watts. Laptops, on the other hand, vary in energy efficiency from about 20 to 40 W. Most of energy goes into running the CPU and lighting up the screen, with only a few watts of power going into spinning and reading the DVD itself. This means that even if you had a smaller screen old TV and an inefficient laptop, the laptop comes out way out ahead when it comes to saving power.

However, your family can still save energy even when watching movies on TV/DVD. All it takes is simple mathematics. If the difference in energy expenditure is some 100-2000 watts per hour, look for other appliances you can switch off or replace. For instance, switching a few lamps may save 20 watts. Instead of using air-conditioner, try the electric fan. Also, try watching when it’s a bit cool- and not during the hottest time of the day.

Energy (and Earth) Saving Tip

Whenever your family buys new appliances, go for the most energy efficient-model. And when it comes to buying LCD television, there are two ratings you should be on the lookout for: the On Mode Power rating and the Standby Mode. On Mode is very easy to locater anywhere in the cover of the TV set or the manual. This tells you the energy consumption when the TV is turned on. The Standby Mode is more difficult to find as not all TV makers indicate it. Whenever you put the TV on standby, it still consumes energy. The typical amount of energy it uses every hour on Standby Mode ranges from 0.3-0.9 watts.

Source: Sci-Tech Volume XXII Number 4 ISSN 0116-5704 Sy 2008-2009

Cooling Effect

A mature tree can consume on the average 6 kg of carbon dioxide each year. Consuming the main greenhouse gas may be a good way to mitigate global warming or the greenhouse effect, but trees do more than that. They make an area cool by providing shade and through evaporating cooling. Did you know that clusters of urban trees can cool ambient temperature by 10 degrees? Try walking from a concrete-paved road into a tree-lined one and notice the difference. And how many trees were there along the pavement? Now, imagine what planting a thousand urban trees can do for cooling the environment.

Source: Sci-Tech Volume XXII Number 4 ISSN 0116-5704 Sy 2008-2009

Eco-Friendly Laptop Case

This Asustek laptop is in danger if there’s a panda around. You see, its case is not made of metal or plastic, like conventional laptops. Its case is made of bamboo, the grass that serves as the staple diet of pandas.

Asustek, a Taiwanese computer company, developed it in line with its eco-friendly objectives. Bamboo is not only biodegradable; it is also sustainable, because it grows back quickly when cut.

Source: Sci-Tech Volume XXII Number 5 ISSN 0116-5704 Sy 2008-2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Skin Whitening Safely for Dark Skin Pigmentations

The dilemma of individuals affected by hyperpigmentation problems lies not only in choosing a good product, but the proper way to lighten skin. A successful skin whitening or lightening regimen does not rely on the products alone. Let me tell you why.

Skin lightening products have grown in demand as the answer for uneven pigmentation such as melasma, age spots, freckles, dark underarms, knees, elbows, acne scars or inner thighs. Regardless of race or skin color, it concerns a lot of people caused by the skin’s melanin content. Melanin, in its simplest definition, defines the color of our skin.

Here are four vital factors to lighten skin effectively:

1. A good skin whitening product should be safe and potent. Ingredients such as hydroquinone, mercury and steroids are harmful substances, and banned for use in Europe and Asia. Studies showed that hydroquinone is carcinogenic and can cause skin cancer. Although some contain an approved 2% content, cautious people choose not to buy. Mercury, on the other hand, poisons the bloodstream, while steroids cause skin thinning and produces stretch marks. The safer ingredients are natural plant extracts known to deliver good skin whitening results, such as kojic acid (from mushroom), licorice (plant extract), and papain (papaya fruit). Potency is another issue because most commercial products show little or no results, ineffective or just a waste of money.

2. Choose a sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays, because not all sunscreens block both rays. The UVA rays are responsible for skin cancer, aging and tanning of our skin. The UVB rays burn out skin. Good ingredients are Parsol1789 (at least 3%), Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide or Mexoryl-Sx. The higher the SPF, the better. Wearing sunscreen is a must, whether you’re using skin lightening products or not. Avoid overexposure to the sun particularly between 10am-3pm. Remember, sunscreen does not block all UVA or UVB rays. Even in the shade, the sun’s rays can penetrate, so it’s best to protect your skin physically through hats/sunglasses and long sleeved shirts for extended sun exposure.

3. Take 500mg Vitamin C supplement daily. A daily dose of at least 500mg ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant helps promote healthy skin and inhibits the production of melanin. Others take it with skin whitening pills, but will take months to see results. Your best bet is an intake of this supplement plus the use of good skin lightening products.

4. Use your favorite moisturizers with skin lighteners. Exfoliated skin that is resurfaced as a result of the skin lightening procedure needs hydration to give a rosy, whiter effect. Simply use your moisturizers 5-10 minutes after the application of the skin lightening products.
Another alternative to treat dark skin spots is laser treatment but the price tag can cost over a thousand dollars. The same with glutathione intravenous injectables that can prove to be effective, but requires high maintenance. Others resort to glutathione or metathione skin whitening pills, i.e., if you’re willing to wait for months to get results. But the skin whitening market has been flooded by fake whitening pills, and has since confused the consumer on which pill is genuine.

On the other hand, there are expensive skin lightening soaps, lotions or creams that don’t necessarily imply better efficiency over the more economical ones. There are safer, cheaper and better ways to do it as described above. You just have to know where a reliable source is.
In most Asian, African and Latin American countries, fair skin radiates an aura of sophistication.

On the contrary, skin tanning is the opposite trend in the United States. Although skin lightening or bleaching is more criticized in the US, both skin lightening and skin tanning are inclined on the same solutions – even skin tone, higher self esteem, or just aesthetic preferences. Fair women would still stand out than bronzed whites visiting Asian countries. The only real difference lies in one’s cultural identity and tradition.